The Global World of a Local Facebook User

Who participates in globalization? Governments, which form alliances, open borders and support trade across countries? Multinational organizations, which open new subsidiaries abroad and employ people of different nationalities? Universities, which support international student exchange programs? Naturally, all of the above mentioned are active participants in the globalization process. Yet, the latest McKinsey publication highlights that…

Elections and Political Stability

This week we had a case premier in my MBA class. We discussed the brand-new case Innovis Telecom. Actually, both the students and I enjoyed the discussion quite a lot! Founded in 2010, Innovis is an Indian company that provides services to telecom operators. Uganda and Myanmar are its main markets but they also operate…

Communication: "I’d rather text than talk"

Walking down any street in Manhattan, central London, Barcelona or, indeed, any other central city area, we will meet a continuous stream of young people coming straight at us while either checking their phones or texting. It’s the fastest, most immediate and probably the cheapest social means of communication that we have. “Texting”, according to…
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