Business Source Ultimate

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Business Source Ultimate (BSU) is the most comprehensive full-text database for business. It gives access to a vast collection of articles from academic, professional and trade journals, including renowned publications as the Harvard Business Review and all the entire FT50 journal list. In addition, non-journal content is also included, such as cases studies, country economic reports and company and industry profiles, as well as interviews with executives and analysts.

BSU’s strengths include:

-Access to Open Access Journals with meticulous curation and indexing.
-Ahead of Pint articles (early access to content from important publishers).
-Searchable cited references.
-High-quality subject indexing.
-Expanding international content, encompassing sources in languages other than English.
-Personal login option allowing you to create alerts and save your searches.
-Non-journal content also included.

BSU offers an unparalleled wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other valuable resources. It provides both historical information and current trends in the business world.

Access BSU here.