Grants Index

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The Web of Science Grants Index, launched by Clarivate, is a comprehensive tool designed to aid researchers in developing more targeted and successful grant proposals. By providing access to over 5.2 million awarded grant records from more than 400 global funding agencies, the tool offers an in-depth view of the funding landscape, enabling researchers to identify trends, understand funders’ priorities, and explore the outcomes of previously awarded grants. This integration with the Web of Science platform allows researchers to align their research proposals with funders’ objectives, improving their chances of securing funding in a competitive environment. The tool not only facilitates the identification of potential new funding sources but also enables researchers to showcase their funded work’s impact, aiding in the advancement of their academic and research careers.

Go to the Web of Science website and sign in. From the search screen, select the ‘Documents’ tab. Just below ‘Documents’, in the “search in” option, click on the arrow next to “Web of Science Core Collection” to display all available database options and select “Grant Index”.

The Topic menu will then change, allowing you to search by the following options:

  • Topic
  • Title
  • Grant
  • Number
  • Grant year
  • Principal investigator
  • Funding agency
  • Grant status
  • Grant type
  • Address
  • Accession number.

Once you have entered your search strategy, click on “Search” to retrieve a result list. Use the features on the left-hand side to limit the results. Bear in mind that Spain does not yet have a repository of research grants, so it is not recommended to limit by “Country” in this case.