With Feelings in Mind

> Return to the #105 Newsletter Ewa Kochanowska recently defended her doctoral dissertation, “With Feelings in Mind: The Role of Affect in Social Perception, Decision Making, and Choice,” a groundbreaking exploration into the intertwined nature of affect and cognition. This thesis is a significant contribution to our understanding of how emotions influence our cognitive processes, challenging long-held distinctions between affective and cognitive functions. Ewa’s research, articulated in three insightful chapters, demonstrates…

Research Impact Tool

> Return to the #104 Newsletter The Research Area at IESE has successfully implemented the Altmetric platform to broaden the understanding of IESE’s research influence. This innovative tool monitors, searches, and reports on discussions related to research from IESE as well as from its peer organizations. Altmetric expands beyond traditional metrics, such as citations or download counts, offering a more comprehensive view of research impact by capturing real-time engagement and public…

No Child Without a Book!

> Return to the #103 Newsletter The IESE Library’s Christmas solidarity campaign, whose aim was to collect books for children and adolescents who are ill or at risk of social exclusion, ended up collecting 127 books. The collection went toward the Christmas campaign organized by Sant Joan de Déu Solidaritat, a Charity founded more than 500 years ago to serve people in situations of great vulnerability, especially children. Thanks for your…

Companies Custom Reports

> Return to the #102 Newsletter The IESE Library collaborates with the Career Development Center (CDC) to help students excel in their job interviews. At the CDC’s request, the library creates tailored reports on companies recruiting IESE students, encompassing relevant company information to prepare for job interviews. The data included in these custom reports are sourced from a variety of trusted databases subscribed by the Library (Orbis, Marketline, S&P Capital IQ,…

Bank Risk-Taking from a Portfolio Perspective

> Return to the #101 Newsletter The study of three distinct aspects of bank risk-taking from a novel portfolio perspective is the focus of Juan Gorostiaga‘s recently defended doctoral dissertation. The author highlights the importance of pre-existing exposure in shaping banks’ risk management incentives and its connection to two key issues: the rise in bank concentration and the extent of government guarantees coverage. These findings have significant implications for bank lending…