Locating a business in Africa: how much of a hassle?

Different countries offer different travel and living conditions. This has an effect – identified as the "hassle factor" by professors Andreas Schotter and Paul Beamish from the Ivey Business School in Canada – on companies' decisions to locate their operations in a particular country. Not all countries are the same in Africa, and the hassle…

If You Are Considering Angel Investing, don’t Miss These 5 Tips

A hundred startup deals – the milestone that IESE’s Business Angel Network will shortly reach – can pan out into almost as many different outcomes: a multiplicity of investor recipes, unforeseen business situations, investment trends, hot sector waves, or be subject to entrepreneurs’ idiosyncrasies.   So if you are a novel investor and don’t want…

The True Source of Inequality: Values

The article, “Corporatism, not capitalism is to blame for inequality,” by Edmund Phelps, the 2006 Nobel in Economics, appeared in the July 24, 2014 Financial Times. For Phelps, the term corporatism refers to the values of an egalitarian, progressive society that at the same time encumbers innovation. He discussed his views on corporatism in an…
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