Black cards? That deserves a red card!

Spain was rocked last week by another ethics scandal: the use of black credit cards by the top management of the Spanish bank Caja Madrid-Bankia. (Please note: business ethics is not only about scandals; it also focuses on preserving a solid culture within business organizations and markets in order for them serve the common good.…

Kenya's middle class and economic growth

A couple of weeks ago the news came out that Kenya has seen its economy grow 25% after statistical revision. Officially, Kenya is now a "middle-income country." A few months ago, a similar type of revision brought Nigeria's economy to the top of African countries in terms of the size of the economy, surpassing South…

Doing business in Nigeria: overcoming cultural challenges

Energy and physical stamina are personal characteristics that tend to be associated with power. Based on their physical appearance, Nigerians could be compared to US basketball players. This feature can be intimidating, and especially so when it comes along with a loud voice. In fact, Nigerians describe themselves as "loud and proud." This is one…
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