4 decision-making models in family firms: which is best?

Among their unique characteristics, family businesses pursue both financial goals and non-economic aims such as preserving the family legacy and promoting community development. This dual perspective can lead to misalignment among family members regarding organizational priorities, while raising important questions: How should family firms integrate divergent perspectives in their decision-making processes? What’s the best structure…

Times of change and opportunity are coming for Spain’s family-owned firms

* This article originally appeared in the newspaper "Expansión" on May 4, 2024 under the title "Llegan tiempos de mudanza y oportunidad para la empresa familiar." Family firms require solid corporate governance in order to maintain their relevance as engines of growth and employment. Spain’s corporate world has garnered global media attention in recent weeks…

Strategic alliances in family firms: 7 financial recommendations

The Family Business Reflection Forum co-organized by IESE's Chair of Family-Owned Business and the Instituto de Empresa Familiar continues to give us plenty to talk about. In the first of this three-part series, Prof. Marta Elvira highlighted the core benefits of strategic alliances as engines for growth, which Prof. África Ariño brought to life in…

Is DEI Coming of Age?

As Mahatma Gandhi supposedly said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” A good sign that an initiative or social movement is receiving the attention it deserves is when it has to deal with relevant public resistance. And this is exactly what has been happening to…
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