Lost Connections: Lessons from Covid and Beyond

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is taking its tolls. Let alone the grim death statistics, there are all kinds of long-term socio-economic effects, and the more recently emerging realization of substantial mental health problems. Indeed, the rise of anxiety and depression amid the pandemic is easy to comprehend: people live in isolation and amidst restrictions, disrupted…

Native-digital companies in deep trouble

In the early 2000s, a few visionaries set out to launch digital native outlets that would capitalize on the power of the Internet and social media. Today, those same outlets, which depend on digital advertising and virality, are in deep trouble. The latest news comes from the HuffPost, where the newspaper has laid off 47…

When the Pandemic Isn’t the Only Reason to Work from Home

By now, the majority of us have at least some experience of setting up our office in our living room, commuting to work within seconds of stepping from one room into another, and ‘bumping’ into your colleagues for ‘random’ chit chat at scheduled times and through prepared online meetings... yes, the work-from-home experience, which, as…
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