AI in Media

If you've been following our blog, you're likely aware that we enjoy delving into media trends. In previous posts we've touched upon various implementations of AI in the media sector. However, there hasn't been one where we thoroughly explore the progress of artificial intelligence in the media landscape over the past few months. In this…

Integrating AI in content creation

Over the past year, the ascent of chat GPT and AI has sparked widespread debates across industries. The media sector, in particular, has shown keen interest in the potential outcomes that AI development can bring to the creation of news, scripts, and other content. However, reminiscent of the concerns raised during the writers' strike, these…

The role of an external director

In my last article published in October 2023, I raised the issue of external directors by saying they could either be independent or not. It’s not a question of how much they’re paid, as some people think: it’s far more complex and multidimensional than that. Let’s start by clarifying these two concepts. External versus independent…

Trust and communication, the keys to higher productivity

Declining productivity is a constant concern for both governments and companies, especially small- and medium-sized ones. And it’s no wonder: private enterprises generate over 80% of jobs in developed countries, and 90% in developing economies. Many employers wonder if hybrid work formats are to blame for this decline, or at least struggle to define effective…
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