Filtering by News Sentiment

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Looking for news related to a person, corporation or industry with a negative or positive slant? Factiva can help you with its “Factiva Expert Searches” tool.

Factiva Expert Searches (FES) are pre-defined search strings created by Factiva search experts to find implicit topics and subjects that are often difficult for many users to write searches for on their own.

To run a “News Sentiment” Expert Query in Search Builder:

  1. Go to Factiva
  2. Click the arrow next to “Factiva Expert Search” located in the indexing channels in Search Builder.
  3. Select “News Sentiment” and define the searches which are contained in the category (negative and positive by topic).
  4. Search language tier.
  5. Either click on the search within the indexing area, or copy and paste the search into the Free Text search box; select any other options: date range, select sources, or additional indexing codes or keywords, or the option to Include newly added social media.
  6. When you have finalized your strategy, click the Search button and view your results.

Note that News Sentiment, for positive or negative news searches work best when paired with a company or person’s name.