Víctor Martínez de Albéniz is a full professor in IESE’s Department of Production, Technology and Operations Management.

He joined IESE in 2004 after earning a Ph.D. at the Operations Research Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and an engineering degree at École Polytechnique in France.

His research is on broad operations management. He started his career working on procurement and supply issues, where a balanced sourcing portfolios can provide low cost, flexibility, and innovation opportunities. He has spent the last 15 years working on retail topics, where he has developed models for fashion trends (apparel, music, etc.) and optimized operations in volatile markets, using big data analytics. He is currently interested in the interface of firm operations with consumers, and this includes the design of retail touchpoints, the management of experiences, and the use of repeated interactions to drive consumer behavior.

His work has been published in journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Services Operations Management, or Production and Operations Management. He has received support by the European Research Council (ERC), the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, and La Caixa foundation. In 2015 he was awarded the Sabadell Herrero prize for Economic Research and in 2018 the MSOM Young Scholar Prize. He is also a Department Editor of Management Science and has been a member of the editorial boards of Manufacturing and Services Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management.

In addition, Prof. Martínez de Albéniz teaches IESE courses on operations management, operations strategy, advanced methods for operations and new product development, both at the executive and MBA levels. He has also taught at other schools such as MIT, MDE (Côte d’Ivoire) or the Indian School of Business. Finally, he has founded two retail analytics companies (Datactions and Robinbrick) and taken an active role as Chief Technology Officer there.

Areas of interest


Supply chain management


Innovation and product development

Some additional information

An overview of my research from IESE Insight

I started the Fashion Operations Conference, an annual event with participants from industry and academia. Information about the 1st edition in March 2015 at IESE (Barcelona), the 2nd edition in May 2016 at Koç University (Istanbul), the 3rd edition in February 2017 at IESE (New York), the 4th edition in April 2018 at McGill University (Montreal), the 5th edition in October 2019 at Imperial College (London). We suspended the conference due to COVID and we should restart it in the near future.