Career Advice in Times of Crisis, Part I: Positive Thinking, Learning Mindset, Focus and Energy Management

The IESE Career Development Center launched the first online session of the “Career Advice in Times of Crisis” series last month. IESE MBA-08 Alumnus Eduardo Navas, Bala Nagarajan and Jeng Dizon talked about how they have managed their careers since the 2009 financial crisis. It was full of great insights and I would like to…

“I believe the only constant aspect of life is change” Interview with Manuella Arulnayagam, Career Development Center

Manuella is responsible for developing the Career Management programs for our MBA & MiM students. In this post, she tells us more about her background and her role in the CDC.  Can you please start by telling us something about yourself? When I was young, maybe due to my Sri Lankan background, I was convinced…

An IESE Entrepreneur’s Journey: How I co-founded

Are entrepreneurs born or made (in business schools)? The word ‘entrepreneur’, was first coined by Richard Cantillon, an Irish-French economist, in his book Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général (written around 1730!), where he defines entrepreneurs as non-fixed income earners, risk-bearers and people that brought equilibrium to the market by correctly predicting consumer preferences….