Summer Readings 2023

Return to the #100 Newsletter

Summertime is here, which means it is time, once again, to publish our compilation of recommended holiday reads!

You may have noticed from the title above that this is the 100th issue of the Library Newsletter, and we would like to share this special milestone with you. What better way than by sharing our curated selection of summer reads with the IESE Community?

Books are a great way for learning valuable business lessons. Executives have discovered their transformative power to inspire and provide a wealth of advice and guidance.

Our 2023 selection is dedicated to books that will help you prepare for the future. We’ve carefully chosen both timeless classics and new releases, including titles recommended by CEOs of the top Fortune 500 companies. Hope they help you to reflect and grow as a professional.

We’re looking forward to editing and publishing another 100 newsletters, and we hope you will read them. Enjoy your summer and happy reading!