Company Peer Analysis with Orbis

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Orbis allows you to identify the closest competitors to a specific company by either generating a peer group automatically or building your own. Follow these steps to perform a peer analysis:

1. Search for the Company:
-Enter the company name in the search box and press Enter.
-If multiple entities appear, select the correct one. Once the company report is displayed, click on Peer Comparison in the left-hand menu.

2. Retrieve the Default Peer Group:
-By default, Orbis will display the 10 closest international companies based on the Operating Revenue (Turnover) of the subject company for the latest available year.
-If no results appear, try selecting a previous year for comparison.

3. Customize the Peer Group:
To refine your analysis, click on Own Peer Group. This allows you to:
-Change the operating year.
-Adjust the size of the peer group (national or international).
-Select a different financial variable for grouping the companies.

Additional options, such as Accounting Period or Add/Remove Columns, can further tailor your analysis. Once finalized, click OK.

4. Create Your Own Peer Group:
If the default peer group lacks focus, creating your own peer group is recommended. Build a search strategy with the criteria that fit your needs on the Orbis search page and retrieve the list of companies.
After defining the group:
-Click on Tools in the left-hand menu.
-Select Peer Analysis > Go To.
-Choose one of the default peer analysis formats or create a new one by clicking on Create New.
You can also modify the variables in the default formats to better suit your analysis.

5. Export Results:
All peer analysis results can be exported to Excel by clicking the Excel icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

Tips for Effective Peer Analysis
• Use consistent criteria for selecting peers to ensure comparability.
• Avoid using the most recent time period of financial data if it is unavailable; select an earlier time period instead.
• Peer analysis can be conducted on sets of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 2,500 companies.