S&P CIQ Alerts

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Interested in keeping abreast of the most important company news and developments?

Capital IQ (CIQ) allows you to receive notifications of company news, including Key Developments, Filings & Annual Reports, Activity Logs, Events Calendar, Transcripts, Investment Research and Stock Price Moves.

To create a company alert:

1. Sign in CIQ and hover over “My Capital IQ” tab, go to the “Alerts” section, and click on “Create Alert”.
2. Name your alert and type the subject of the email that will deliver your alert.
3. Select the delivery type and format.
4. Type in the Email Recipient.
5. Under the “Add Companies, Indices, List” tab choose the company or group of companies for which you want to receive alerts. Type in the company, index, or list name and select it from the dropdown of results. You can also paste tickers/ IQ IDs from Excel.
6. Specify if you would like to include alerts for subsidiaries and direct investments as well as limit research to the primary company only.
7. Under “Select Type and Filter”, choose your Alert type(s) (News, Key Developments, Filings & Annual Reports, Activity Logs, Events Calendar, Transcripts, Investment Research, and Stock Price Moves) by checking the appropriate boxes to the left of each section.
8. Click the plus sign to the left of the Alert type to further define the types of events you want to be alerted on. Filter your alerts by sub-categories.
9. Once you have set your filters, click the Save button on the lower right hand side of the page.