Idea Generation

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Are you looking for a specific type of security but can’t find it using standard screening tools? Consider exploring Capital IQ’s “Idea Generation” screens. Capital IQ offers pre-constructed screens designed to identify specific securities or indexes based on complex criteria not easily captured by simple screening. For instance, the SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies) “Idea Generation” screen filters for business descriptions, industry classifications, and company status to generate a list of qualifying SPACs.

To access these screens, navigate to the Screening tab on Capital IQ and select all “Idea Generation” screens. Use the search bar to locate the relevant screen or browse through the available options.

The Idea Generation tool is a powerful feature in the S&P Capital IQ platform that helps users identify potential investment opportunities. It allows screening companies based on various criteria, including financial performance, industry trends, and analyst ratings.

Key features of the Idea Generation tool include:

  • Extensive screening criteria: Screen companies based on financial and non-financial factors, including financial performance, industry trends, and analyst ratings.
  • Screen creation and saving: Create and save customized screens to track investment performance over time.

Examples of Idea Generation tool applications:

  • Identifying undervalued companies: Screen companies based on financial metrics to uncover potential undervalued opportunities.
  • Uncovering industry trend beneficiaries: Screen companies based on industry to identify those poised to benefit from growth trends.
  • Tracking analyst recommendation performance: Screen companies based on analyst ratings to monitor the effectiveness of analyst recommendations over time.

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