Searching for Buyers/Investors?

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Capital IQ is a good source to find financial and/or strategic buyers or investors.
From the list of screening criteria in the third column, under the header “Targeting Engine”, select “Find Buyers or Investors”.
Use the left pane to add criteria and search for likely buyers based on stated preferences (financial buyers only) and/or past investment history (both strategic and financial buyers). Next, go to the right pane to refine and filter criteria:

  • In the side panel under “Selected Criteria” indicate whether your results must meet the selected criterion. Failure to do this will leave your criterion as optional, meaning all the results will be ranked by optional criteria.
  • The “Refine Criteria” tab in the right pane allows you to further refine your search based on company type, operating status, ownership status and direct investments.
  • The “Filter by List” tab allows you to filter results by saved lists you have created on the platform.
    From the results page, we recommend you save your results to a Target/Recipient List.