ORBIS Geographic Heat Map

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Do you want to see a heat map of where companies in a corporate group are located? Or create a map showing the location of total assets within its corporate group?

Use the ORBIS geographic heat map tool to compare a group of companies according to a variable you are interested in and get more insight from the data.

Follow these steps to build a geographic heat map:

1. Create your search
The first step is to load or create a search for the companies you’re interested in.

2. Choose your geographic heat map
Once you have created your search, go to Tools > Geographic heat map. Here you can choose one of the predefined maps or you can create one from scratch.

3. Select the companies and display options
By default, when you launch a geographic heat map, the results are displayed for all the companies in your search. The “toggle” button should be selected to display the results graphically.
By expanding the ‘Your search’ panel, you can edit the companies in your selection.

By clicking the “Show options” icon, you can:
-Decide whether to display aggregated values or averages.
-Decide whether to color the map, and the number of classes (colors) to display, or use differently-sized ‘bubbles’.
-Choose which region to show at the center of the map.

4. Choose your variable
The default variable is the number of companies per country. When you click on the “Show options” icon and select “More options”, you can select the variable you want to use. If you select a financial variable, you’ll then be able to select the year from a menu above the map.

5. Show details for countries in the map
Hover your mouse cursor over the map to highlight individual regions, and display the value in a tooltip.
Click an individual region to display a pop-up, containing a link to display the companies in a results list.