2017 “Haier management style evolves according to the times” (article in Japanese), Forbes Japan, May 8, 2017.
2017 “How to bring cross-cultural teams together“, Financial Times, March 31, 2017.
2017 “Managing multicultural teams: What you should know“, Forbes India, February 8, 2017.
2016 “Look for global team leaders among the cultural marginals“, Financial Times, September 28, 2016.
2016 “3 Tips to Help Multicultural Teams Succeed” (with Minna Paunova), IESE Insight, 2016.
2014 “Excluded at work? How to get back in the clique“, BBC Capital, February 13, 2014.
2014 “Cross-Cultural M&A”, Nikkei Business Daily (日本経済新聞), February 6, 2014. [in Japanese 国境またぐM&A増加、企業文化の融合、時間かけ理解を、スペイン・IESEビジネススクール准教授李逸庭氏に聞く。]
2014 “Work Ethic: An expat cultural disconnect at the office“, BBC Capital, January 10, 2014.
2013 “Los chinos, a por la muralla de Occidente“, Capital, november, 2013. [pdf]
2013 “Finding the right fit: why culture is key“, featured with Aarti Ramaswami, The Hindu, September 18, 2013.
2013 “Case study: How Haier handled foreign traditions“, with Carlos Sanchez-Runde & Sebastian Reiche, Financial Times, April 2013.
2013 “超国界海尔的跨文化省思“, 海尔亚洲造, 中外管理 2013年第4期, April 2013. [in Chinese]
2013 “The benefit of embracing: how important is workplace diversity for businesses? – What counts most is management approach“, South China Morning Post, March 2013. [pdf]
2013 “Trabalho no exterior”, Correio Braziliense, February 2013. [pdf]
2013 “Conoce a tu enemigo y conócete a ti mismo”, El Periodico de Catalunya (+Valor), 2013. [pdf]
2012 “Marginals as Global Leaders: Why they might just excel!“, with Stacey R. Fitzsimmons & Mary Yoko Brannen, The European Business Review, November-December, 2012. [pdf]
2011 “Demystifing the Myth about Marginals”, with Stacey R. Fitzsimmons & Mary Yoko Brannen, Global Leadership Insight, No 2, November 2011. [Click here for a related publication in IESE Insight]
2010 “Case study: Victorinox”, with Pablo Cardona, Financial Times, December 2010.
2008 “Compétences culturelles”, with Alain-Max Guénette, L’Agefi, June 2008.
2006 “Taïwan : Un cas d’ecole pour comprendre la nouvelle logique économique mondialisée”, Gérer et Comprendre, N° 84, June 2006.
2005 “La gestion des ressources humaines doit être adaptée aux changements”, with A.-M. Guénette & D. Mottas, L’Agefi : Le quotidien suisse des affaires et de la finance, Juin 2005.
2004 “La diversité culturelle constitue une richesse pour les entreprises”, an interview with Fons Trompenaars, L’Agefi : Le quotidien suisse des affaires et de la finance, Repère management, December 2004.
2003 “Les programmes « MBA » soumis à la critique”, with A.M. Guénette, Revue Economique et Sociale, June 2003, 89-93.
2002 “La diversité culturelle : casse-tête des entrepreneurs”, L’Agefi : Le quotidien suisse des affaires et de la finance, Repère management, April 2002.
2000 “Masahiko Aoki, le pape de la nouvelle approche institutionnelle en économie”, with Alain M. Guénette, Bulletin HEC, Université de Lausanne, N° 60, May 2000.
1999 “Interview Posthume de Chester Barnard”, with Alain M. Guénette et Bernard Uwamungu, Bulletin HEC, Université de Lausanne, N° 59, October 1999.
1999 “Interview d’Alain Singer”, with Alain M. Guénette, Bulletin HEC, Université de Lausanne, N° 58, April 1999.