Overview Graduation Ceremony MiM Class of 2024

On June, 6th, 2024, we celebrated the Graduation of the Master in Management (MiM) Class of 2024, a day filled with pride, inspiration, HOPE and reflection.

We were honored to hear from distinguished keynote speakers:

    • Professor Miguel Antón, Academic Director of the MiM Program
    • Mr. Sebastiaan Kloppenborg, President of the MiM Class of 2024
    • Ms. Helena Herrero, Managing Director of Hewlett Packard’s Southern Europe, Africa, and Middle East Markets
    • Professor Franz Heukamp, Dean of IESE Business School
    • Professor María Iraburu, President of the University of Navarra

Highlights of the Event:

Welcome Address by Professor Miguel Antón: Professor Antón opened the ceremony with a heartfelt welcome, acknowledging the efforts and sacrifices made by the families and friends of the graduates to be present. He also honored those who couldn’t attend, especially due to the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, and congratulated the graduates who were already working and couldn’t make it to the ceremony. His speech emphasized gratitude and the importance of appreciating the journey and contributions of loved ones, drawing a parallel with a poignant story about valuing the metaphorical “coins” given by our parents.

Student Address by Sebastiaan Kloppenborg: Sebastiaan Kloppenborg’s address reflected on the significance of finding meaningful work and the role of moral values in driving change. He shared a personal anecdote about the trust and community fostered at IESE, exemplified by an experience with an EMBA alumnus. His message to the class highlighted the importance of courage in making impactful decisions and encouraged graduates to pursue opportunities that align with their values, even if it means stepping out of their comfort zones.


Guest Speech by Ms. Helena Herrero: Ms. Herrero inspired the graduates with her journey and leadership in technology. She emphasized the role of resilience, vision, and the impact of innovative thinking. Her presence was a significant honor, reinforcing the global and forward-thinking mindset that IESE instills in its students.

Dean’s Address by Professor Franz Heukamp: Professor Heukamp spoke about hope and resilience, using historical references such as the life of Albrecht Dürer to illustrate the importance of confidence, adaptability, and a spiritual understanding in navigating complex times. He encouraged the graduates to look at the world with an entrepreneurial spirit and to use their skills for the greater good.

University of Navarra’s President Closing Remarks by Professor María Iraburu: Professor Iraburu concluded the ceremony by emphasizing the power of business to shape societies and the importance of using one’s career to contribute to an equitable society. She shared the inspiring story of Malala Yousafzai, urging the graduates to carry resilience and determination into their professional lives.

Reflections and Gratitude:

The MiM 2024 graduation ceremony was a blend of celebration and reflection, marking the end of an intense yet extraordinary program in Madrid Campus, where they have lived a very intense year. With an average age of 23, these bright young minds from all corners of the globe are ready to take on the world, armed with knowledge, practical skills, and above all a strong sense of purpose.

But beyond their academic achievements and career aspirations, we would like to honor something even more profound—the constant and devoted support and pride of their FAMILIES, who traveled from far and wide to be on their MiM Graduation Day. To the parents, siblings, and extended family members who have stood by them every step of the way, this milestone is as much yours as it is theirs.

If you want to know more about MiM Program, please visit our Website: here

Should you need a chat interview, please contact us: here

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