
  • 1992 : “La formation et la PME”, lecture at RACINE, Réseau D’Appui et de Capitalisation Européennes. Condorcet. Paris.
  • 1992: “Training needs in SMES” lecture at the Vocational Training Seminar. Luxembourg.
  • 1992: “Business Growth through improved human resource management. A focus on small and medium sized enterprises”. Lecture at ARTISTE LIMITED, Cambridge. U.K.
  • 1993: “INFOSMES, un estudio para mejorar las operaciones” lecture in: Semana Europea PYME (4th October). CIDEM – Generalitat de Catalunya. Spain.
  • 1994: “An operations diagnostic tool”, lecture at GMRG at Seattle University. USA (15-20 June).
  • 1994: “Static and dynamic design” lecture in OMA, Conference at Cambridge University, U.K. (28-29 June).
  • 1995: Member of “Reflection group on education, training and youth” of the European Commission Communities. XXII.
  • 1997: Participation at the first CEO Meeting of the Industrials Companies. “¿Dónde va la industria española en los albores del siglo XXI?” Madrid, IESE Business School, Navarra University. Seminar 16 and 17 December.
  • 1997: “Generación de conocimiento y tecnología” lecture at “Taller internacional sobre aplicación de tecnologías de la información de procesos de educación a distancia en el tema de gestión de la tecnología”, Sciences and Technology Latin-American Commission. Caracas, Venezuela.
  • 1998: “Innovative Education” Utah University. Lecture: “Using technology to enhance business education: a USA-European perspective including empirical evidence”. DSI at Las Vegas, with A. Roth with J. Riverola.
  • 1998: IV International Conference about: La Creación de empleo y nuevas tecnologías. “Nuevas tecnologías, aprendizaje y empleo” 22 and 23 June, IESE – Business School, Navarra University, Barcelona (Spain).
  • 1998: “The challenge to generate a creative and flexible work” Inaugural Lecture in “The plenary: Opening learning to all working across the Boundaries conference: The learning age: Towards a Europe of Knowledge”, DFEE (Education and Employee Department), Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • 1998: CEO Forum – Madrid June 10. Extraordinary Session open, product life cycle. Experience in productivity improvement in operations; Moderator: Technological development of operations.
  • 1998: “Creativity and Innovation” Lecture at the  Seminar of Expert of the DG-XXII,  European Commission, at IESE Business School, Madrid.
  • 1998: “The training needs of future unemployed” Lecture, DG-XXIII, IESE, Business School, Seminar.
  • 1999: “A gestao do conhecimento na empresa”, Seminar at Lisbon.
  • 1999: Global Manufacturing Research Group, Coordinator of the International Meeting at IESE, Madrid.
  • 1999: Decision Sciences Institute 5th International Conference, Athens, Greece, 4-7 July. Integrating technology & human decisions: Global Bridges into the 21st Century Panel: Special managerial problems of transitional economies in Europe.
  • 1999: Conference for Luis Simoes España. “Un paso adelante más allá de la calidad. La gestión del conocimiento”.
  • 2000: “Towards a Europe of Knowledge: Policy spaces to generate learning”, Inaugural lecture in: “The learning age: Towards a Europe of knowledge” at the Seminar “Towards a learning Society. European Communities Commission.
  • 2002: “Increasing productivity through the matching of technology and learning: a synopsis”. Joined Up Economy Forum 24, 25, 26 may 2002, Geneva.