Summer Readings 2020

> Return to the #85 Newsletter Summer has arrived and with it the Library’s time-honored reading recommendations. Even in the exceptional times we are living, summer offers a rare opportunity to explore new books, whether you’re looking for simple distraction or tips on how to prepare for the “new normal”. Our selection for 2020 contains three different kinds of titles: award-winning business books (we recently acquired), the latest titles published by…

The Coronavirus Outbreak

> Return to the #84 Newsletter Since the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic on March 11, COVID-19 has disrupted just about every facet of daily life. Not only have the economy, health systems, business activity and company stocks been affected by the virus; for many even the daily ritual of going to the office has been halted! Business and economic leaders are dealing with unprecedent levels of…

Fintech Revolution

> Return to the #83 Newsletter FinTech is increasingly embedded in every day financial transactions. The term is used to describe both innovative technology-enabled financial services and the novel business models that come with them. Faster than ever before, new technologies are tested and introduced into finance, rapidly becoming a global phenomenon. No longer the exclusive domain of start-ups, fintech services are increasingly being offered by large, well-established companies that offer…

Ageing Society

> Return to the #82 Newsletter Global population ageing is one of the most important issues facing human societies in the early twenty-first century. In more developed regions, the proportion of older people has already surpassed that of children, and according to the UN, by 2050 one in six people in the world will be over age 65. This unprecedent transformation of age structures in the population will fundamentally alter all…

AI in Business

> Return to the #81 Newsletter Artificial intelligence technologies are having an incremental impact in the business world as well as on our everyday lives. According to the 2019 Gartner CIO Survey, 14% of organizations employ AI and nearly 50% intend to do so by 2020. These technologies are critical to bringing about innovation, providing new business opportunities and reshaping the way companies operate. But the rise of the AI-Powered organization…