Geographic Segments

> Return to the #100 Newsletter How can I get company financials by geographic segment? You can use various databases to access this information: – Capital IQ: Go to Capital IQ and search for the company name in the search menu at the top. Click on the appropiate company from the result list, and in the Financials/Valuation section of the left-hand menu, select “Segments”. To retrieve a graph, click on the icon…

Price Tracker

> Return to the #99 Newsletter Interested in tracking the impact of price inflation on Alcoholic Drinks categories and brands in 20 countries? Passport allows you to visualize, compare, and monitor price changes over time. To get started, go to “Passport” and click on the “Dashboards” section, then click on “Go”. Once you’re on “My Dashboard”, select “Pricing” from the “dashboard type” menu. From the available Price Tracker dashboards, select any…

Deal Sourcing

> Return to the #98 Newsletter Pitchbook allows you to quickly build a list of targeted companies that are a strong strategic fit for your investment preferences. Go to Pitchbook (click on Log in and then click on Login with SSO – use your IESE email). In the “Screeners” section click on “Companies & Deals” for valuation and multiples data, or click on “Investors & Funds” to find out who has…

How do I Screen ESG Funds?

> Return to the #97 Newsletter Refinitiv uses several attributes to flag funds as ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). 1. Go to Refinitiv Workspace (For desktop application or web access please email 2. To screen ESG funds: Enter FSCREEN in the main search field and select Fund Screener. 3. Expand the SCREEN option on the left panel then select the Criteria Manager icon in the Add Criteria box. 4. Scroll…

How to Compare Trends in Consumer Behavior

> Return to the #96 Newsletter Statista’s Global Consumer Survey (GCS) offers comprehensive data on consumers and markets worldwide. Covering both the offline and the online world, GCS offers a global perspective on consumption and media users. The survey provides data about different industries and topics which can be combined in cross tabs and individual target groups, using a DIY-analysis tool that allows users to search according to their requirements. Contents…