
Courses Taught at IESE Business School, University of Navarra (2016-present)

  • Operational Finance (MBA, core course)
  • Corporate Finance (MBA, core course)
  • Corporate Restructuring (MBA, elective course)
  • Finance II (MiM, core course)
  • Finance (MRM, elective course)
  • Research Methods in Finance (MRM, elective course)

Courses Taught at Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University (2010-2016)

  • Corporate Finance 45822 (MBA, core course)
  • Corporate Restructuring 45921 (MBA, elective course)
  • Applied Corporate Finance 45812 (MBA, core course)
  • Finance II 45810 (MBA, core course)
  • Seminar in Finance II 47722 (PhD course)
  • Corporate Finance 70495 (Undergraduate, elective course)

Case Studies and Technical Notes

HIFU TAOC: Investing in Tech Projects with Miguel Antón, Mireia Giné, and Christian Eufinger, IESE Business School Case Study F-996 (2023)  |  English

Project Evaluation with Mateu Adrià and Carles Vergara-Alert, IESE Business School Technical Note FN-650-E (2022)  |  English

Payout Policy at eBay Inc.: Activist Investor Asks for Change with Carles Vergara-Alert, IESE Business School Case Study F-960 (2020)  |  English Spanish

Valuation of NVIDIA Corporation with Christian Eufinger, IESE Business School Case Study F-955 (2020)  |  English |  Spanish

The IPO of Xiaomi Inc.: Financing the Growth of a Tech Giant with Carles Vergara-Alert, IESE Business School Case Study F-953 (2020)  |  English |  Spanish