Corporate social responsibility: what is it and on what basis?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept widely used, but somewhat misleading, both in conception and in its contents. Many wonder:
– Is corporate social responsibility is a mere contribution to society from the benefits obtained or is it something inherent to business activity?
– Is CSR a mere tool for corporate reputation or a moral requirement?
– Do individuals or corporations bear social responsibility?
– Does CSR come determined only by the demands of society or by ethics?
– Is it a matter of justice that the company contributes to the common good of society, beyond creating wealth?
– What does ethics in understanding corporate social responsibility?
In the video of this post, promoted by the Chair of Business Ethics at IESE professors of this institution, Joan Fontrodona, Antonio Argandoña and Antonino Vaccaro, together with Prof. Philippe de Woot trying to clarify these and other related questions.


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