Amazon 2018: Business Strategy and Financial Strategy, IESE, F-945-E (Link)
ABANCA: De cajas de ahorro a una entidad bancaria de éxito, IESE, SM-1699 (Link)
Banco Sabadell – TSB, IESE, F-913-E (Link)
Valuation of NVIDIA Corporation, IESE, F-955-E (Link)
WestWood Foods & Drinks GmbH (A). Loan Request, IESE, F-981-E (Link)
WestWood Foods & Drinks GmbH (B). Additional Loan Requirement, IESE, F-982-E (Link)
Risk Management at Silicon Valley Bank, IESE, F-997-E
Banking With N26, IESE, F-998-E
HIFU TAOC: Investing in Tech Projects. Introduction to Project Valuation, IESE, F-996-E