Career Trekking across Europe and the Middle East!

In the fall, IESE students typically participate in various career treks where they travel to international locations to gain more in-depth knowledge about different sectors and network with executives from leading organizations. This year was no exception, with multiple treks taking place all across Europe and the Middle East. In this post, we feature some…

My summer internship in Sustainability Consulting, David Bigorra Puente MBA 24

Hi David! Please tell us a little bit about your background. How did sustainability and consulting pique your interest? From a young age, I’ve been captivated by technology, which led me to study industrial engineering and subsequently immerse myself in the fast-paced world of IT and digital transformation during my tenure at IBM in Spain….

Holistic Growth and Global Impact beyond the Career Leap, Kiki Sudechawongsakul MBA 23

Name: Kiki (Rattika) Sudechawongsakul Nationality: Thai Pre-MBA: Nielsen, Thailand Post-MBA: McKinsey and Company, Qatar As I reflect on my transformative journey at IESE Business School, gratitude fills me for the diverse experiences of the past two years. While the traditional MBA path often involves a triple jump—industry, function, and geography—I’ve come to realize that my…

Supporting Future Women Leaders: Meet our IESE Scholar, Sana Hazari MBA 23

At IESE, we are committed to increasing the number of women leaders in the global business field. We have many Women in Leadership initiatives in our MBA program ranging from our student-led Women in Business Club to scholarships dedicated to outstanding female candidates. IESE is proud to be part of the Forté Foundation, a non-profit consortium…