“No, there’s no way we can make it!” It is the 2nd of September 2019. Excitement is overflowing in the Portuguese WhatsApp group! It is the first day of orientation week and the all-time high of seven Portuguese students in IESE MBA class of 2021 meet for the first time. Among all the enthusiasm of…
Student Life
Making it a “Family Business” – Interview with Matthew Boyden, IESE Partner
Hi Matthew, tell us a little bit about your background? I’m from the US and met my wife, Laura, during our undergrad. I worked in insurance for several years before switching to a tech/software company. How was your adjustment to Spain? We arrived in June, a few months before Laura’s classes started. We spent the…
My Startup Life: IESE’s Summer Entrepreneurship Experience (S.E.E)
Each summer IESE offers the Summer Entrepreneurship Experience (S.E.E.), a unique alternative to a traditional corporate internship allowing entrepreneurially-minded students to test the entrepreneurial career path and develop their own startup project through a full-time, practical, team-based program. During the S.E.E., students immerse themselves in their own idea-stage startup for 10 weeks, and by the…
5 Lessons For Your First Year at IESE Business School
Last week, I started my second year at IESE Business School, and I must say I love it. My mornings are free, my days open (to pursue my interests), and the weather is fantastic. However, my favorite moment last week was a conversation with a first-year MBA about summer internships and her experience at IESE….
“Destiny and Purpose” – Thoughts at Orientation Week
During Professor Marc Badia’s speech to the MBA Class of 2021 at orientation, he offered us three pieces of advice. Of the three, the first one came to me as the most intriguing and profound. In his words: “Take ownership of your destiny: find your purpose” While questions like “What is my purpose?”, “What is…