
> Return to the #75 Newsletter Enterprise is the core engine of economic growth. It’s broadly accepted that without enterprise and entrepreneurs there would be very little innovation, less productivity growth and even fewer new jobs being created. According to the management consultant and author John Hagel, entrepreneurs are people who see an opportunity to create value and are willing to take a risk to capitalize on that opportunity. They are needed…

Social Media Business

> Return to the #74 Newsletter The power, reach and influence of social media appear to know no bounds. By 2020 the number of worldwide users is expected to reach some 2.95 billion, around a third of the world’s population, according to eMarketer. Since their creation these internet-based applications and websites have revolutionized the way people experience many facets of everyday life, from their personal relationships to the way they shop, do…

Understanding Consumers

> Return to the #73 Newsletter Consumerism is a defining feature of 21st century society. According to some experts, we have learnt to communicate with and think of each other (and ourselves) less as workers, citizens, parents or teachers, and more as consumers. Sometimes even our success is measured in terms of how well we consume products and services. As such, understanding customer needs and wants is critical to firms in this…

Sharing Economy

> Return to the #72 Newsletter The sharing economy is growing at an exponential rate. Some estimates suggest that it is the second largest economy in the world. Defined by a peer-to-peer exchange of values such as facilities, money, goods and information, it is also referred to with terms like “collaborative economy”, “peer-to-peer marketplaces” or “platform economy”. New sharing economy firms like Airbnb and Uber are disrupting traditional industries across the globe…

Summer Time, Reading Time

> Return to the #71 Newsletter Summer is here, meaning it’s time for the Library’s 2017 summer reading list. Find a selection of the freshest business books (we recently acquired) without forgetting those classics that always deserve another read. Of course, there are also the latest titles published by IESE Professors. All you need to feed the brain, refresh your knowledge and have some fun along the way. Enjoy the summer and…