Company Segmentation Analysis

> Return to the #70 Newsletter Need to create a company segmentation analysis? Use Orbis or Sabi databases. The Segmentation analysis can be performed on any number of Companies, breaking down the group of Companies according to a maximum of two variables. These variables are defined as primary and secondary, and may include, for example, industry, location, a financial variable etc. The results of the analysis can be viewed in a segmentation table as well…

Looking for Ownership Data?

> Return to the #69 Newsletter ORBIS and SABI are reliable sources for owner and subsidiary links worldwide. The databases are continually growing and updating the information contained. The main difference between the two databases is that ORBIS covers very large and large international companies while SABI focus on all companies located in Spain. You can either search for ownership data by: Displaying a specific company – From the initial search page,…

Looking for Deals Transactions?

> Return to the #68 Newsletter If you are looking for Deals transactions, go to Thomson One. Remember: This resource works only on Internet Explorer! Use the Screening & Analysis tab> Deals & League Tables Select the option you are interested in: Advanced search, M&A, Equity, Bonds and Loans. Search by Company info, Deal info, Deal value, Managers / Fees or Financials You will get data on the number of matching deals in the database. Select an output report (this can…

Looking for Industry Trends in Emerging Markets?

> Return to the #67 Newsletter EMIS is a database offering information on 250+ industry sectors across emerging markets. Go to EMIS, click on the “Industry” Tab and select from “Tools” the “Compare trends” option. Select the country you are interested in (e.g. China) and then the Industry (e.g. Beverage manufacturing) and click on “Apply”, which should bring up comparative trends graphics for the beverage manufacturing industry in China. The tool allows…

Consumer Brand Share

> Return to the #66 Newsletter Looking for consumer product brand shares? Passport provides brand market share information within your respective industry. Go to Passport and from the “Find Analysis” search menu choose the industry you are interested in (for example “Soft drinks”) and  then limit by the geographic area you are interested in (for example “Spain”) and type “Go”. A list of reports will appear. Select the one that suits your…