Antonino Vaccaro is a Professor of the Department of Business Ethics and of IESE’s Negotiation Unit. He is also the Academic Director of the Center for Business in Society and of IESE’s compliance courses for top managers in Europe, North and Latin America.
Antonino received a MSc. in Engineering (Politecnico of Milan), a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management with a specialization in technology manipulation and corporate corruption (IST Lisbon) and two Post Doctoral Research Fellowships from Carnegie Mellon University and from the University of Oxford.
Professor Vaccaro is a section editor of the Journal of Business Ethics, listed among the top 50 most influential scientific journals in the Financial Time ranking.
His areas of specialization are: compliance, white collar crime, social innovation and social entrepreneurship.
His researches have been published in leading peer reviewed scientific journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Research Policy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Management Studies, Ethics and Information Technology, Journal of Business Ethics, The Information Society, etc. and have been featured twice by the Economist and Forbes (please, read the page research for more information).
He frequently writes opionion articles for Il Sole 24 Ore, Expansion, Forbes, La Sicilia, Harvard Deusto Review, etc.
Professor Vaccaro has conducted consultancy and applied research projects for European governmental institutions, the United Nation (Global Compact) and for multinational companies such as Southern Company (US), Alpiq (Switzerland), Volkswagen Autoeuropa (Portugal, Germany), CNIM (France), Artsana Group (Italy), REWE (Germany), Bayer (Germany), HM Clause (France), Fitò (Spain), RIjk Zwaan (Netherlands), etc.
He has worked as expert witness on over 100 cases related to corruption, white collar crime and damage evaluation on civil and criminal cases in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Africa and Latin America. He has also collaborated on investigations with several police forces including the Portuguese Judiciary Police, the Italian Guardia di Finanza, the Italian Carabinieri, etc.