Ceremonial and “Special Occasion” type Speeches (1)

Many speeches, especially political type speeches, follow Pericles’ “Funeral  Oration”.23 These pathos-based speeches are called Ceremonial or Epideictic speeches as they heavily rely on pathos for effect. Some writers have called them ‘special occasion’ or ‘neck-tie’ speeches. They differ from the ‘visionary’ speeches in that a visionary message is something that doesn’t exist at the […]

Persuasion: changing another’s mind

Background Agrippa, a close friend, political advisor and son-in-law of the emperor, Augustus, was renowned as the emperor’s most competent and loyal advisor. However, due to the jealousy of Livia, (Augustus’s wife) and Marcellus, (the emperor’s nephew), Agrippa eventually decided to leave Rome and go into exile. On Marcellus’s death and following the political unrest […]