Kindred Britain

> Return to the #79 Newsletter Kindred Britain offers a fascinating glimpse into the connections of social networks of historic Great Britain. Is Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill a direct descendent of King Henry VIII? Are Charles Darwin and Jane Austen connected by blood? These are just a few of the thousands of surprising family links that users can see for themselves on Kindred Britain, a remarkable site from Stanford University. The…

Consumer Spending by Income Bands

> Return to the #79 Newsletter Interested in exploring how spending on consumer goods and services varies across household income segments, countries, and time? The Analytics section in Passport provides an easy and flexible way to size the number of households for different income bands, explore what these households are spending their income on, and gauge each category’s share of household spending. The dashboard provides fully comparable consumer expenditure data on 12…

JIBS Research in Excellence Award

> Return to the #79 Newsletter Prof. Sebastian Reiche has been awarded a Silver Medal for research in excellence from the Journal of International Business Studies. The award is in recognition of Reiche’s intellectual contributions published in the journal, and more specifically for having published at least 5 significant papers in JIBS during the first 50 years of its existence. The Silver Medals will be given to the Awardees at the AIB…

Think Tanks

> Return to the #79 Newsletter In crisis times, demand for expert knowledge rises. To help meet that demand think tanks have emerged as laboratories of ideas that can help us better understand today’s realities and more easily imagine tomorrow’s world. Originally conceived as “universities without teaching”, they have gradually evolved to become anything form quasi-academic institutions to politically engaged organizations. Although their relevance, impartiality and credibility are sometimes questioned, one cannot…


> Return to the #78 Newsletter The IESE Library now has access to WARC (World Advertising Research Center), an excellent resource for marketing and advertising. WARC is the largest single source of intelligence for the marketing, advertising, media and research communities worldwide. Ii includes information and advice on almost any advertising and marketing issue, delivered via best practice guides, case studies, research papers, special reports and advertising trend data, as well as…