Scenario Planning & The CEO Agenda

Scenario Planning and the CEO Agenda is a 2-3 session module taught in Open Programs and Custom Programs. The purpose of the module is to introduce participants to scenario planning as a tool for developing ideas and strategies that can be valid over the very long term. After a brief introduction to the topic with references to the outstanding work done at Shell for many years and the Mont Fleur Scenarios in South Africa, participants develop their own visions of the future based on specific drivers and some constraints.

The time frame of the activity is dependent on the group but is normally done in 10, 15 or 20 years. What is key is for participants to open their mind and get past the status quo so that they will entertain different ideas about the future.

The session then contrasts a long term view with the short term nature of much of what passes for strategic planning at many firms and the relatively short term focus of CEOs of public companies.

A deeper discussion of scenario planning and one way to do it can be found in the attachedĀ Article published in IESE Insight in 2012.

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