- Addressing banks’ vulnerability to deposit runs: revisiting the facts, arguments and policy options ,2024, (with T. Beck, V. Ioannidou, E. Perotti, A. Sánchez-Serrano and J. Suarez), ECB ESRB Advisory Scientific Committee No 15. Press Release.
- Banking Turmoil and Regulatory Reform, 2024 (with V. Acharya, E. Carletti and F. Restoy), CEPR, pp. 167.
- The International Economic and Financial Order After the Pandemic and War, 2023, (with G. Corsetti, B. Eichengreen and J. Zettelmeyer), CEPR, pp. 162.
- Technology and Finance, 2022 (with D. Duffie, T. Foucault, L. Veldkamp), CEPR, pp. 173.
- Resilience of the financial system to natural disasters, 2021 (with P. Bolton, H. Hong, M. Kacperczyk), CEPR, pp. 154.
- The bank business model in the post Covid-19 world, 2020 (with E. Carletti, S. Claessens, A. Fatás), CEPR, pp. 158.
- Sound at last? Assessing a decade of financial regulation, 2019 (with P. Bolton, S. Cecchetti,J.P. Danthine), CEPR, pp. 132.
- La política de Competencia en el Sector Bancario, 2014, Centro Regional de Competencia América Latina, pp. 109.
- Report on the European Economy, 2012 (European Economic Advisory Group, with L. Calmfors, G. Corsetti, G. Saint-Paul, H-W. Sinn J-E. Sturm and Akos Valentinyi), CESifo, pp. 176.
- Report on the European Economy, 2011 (European Economic Advisory Group, with G. Corsetti, M.P. Devereux, J. Hassler, G. Saint-Paul, H-W. Sinn and J-E. Sturm), CESifo, pp. 176.
- Competition and Stability in Banking, 2010, CEPR Policy Insight # 50.
- Report on the European Economy 2010 (European Economic Advisory Group, with G. Corsetti, M.P. Devereux, L. Guiso, J. Hassler, G. Saint-Paul, H-W. Sinn and J-E. Sturm), CESifo, pp. 134.
- Competitiveness in Catalonia: Selected Topics (with Pankaj Ghemawat), Reports of the Public-Private Sector Research Center, 2009, 2, pp. 109.
- Report on the European Economy, 2009 (European Economic Advisory Group, with G. Corsetti, M.P. Devereux, J. Hassler, T. Jenkinson, G. Saint-Paul, H-W. Sinn and J-E. Sturm), CESifo, pp. 170.
- Competition and Regulation in the Spanish Gas and Electricity Markets (with G. Federico and N. Fabra), Reports of the Public-Private Sector Research Center 1, IESE Business School, 2008, pp. 187.
- L’Enseignement de l’Economie dans les Lycées (with M. Albert, T. Atkinson, P. Bauchet, J.-C. Berthélemy, M. Boiteux, B. Bourgeois, J.-C. Casanova, P.-A. Chiappori, B. Collomb, Y. Gattaz, G. de Ménil, M. Pébereau, B. Saint-Sernin and J. Scheinkman, 2008, Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, France, reprinted in Commentaire, 2008, 123, 725-776.
- Report on the European Economy, 2008 (European Economic Advisory Group, with L. Calmfors, G. Corsetti, M.P. Devereux, S. Honkapohja, J. Kay, G. Saint-Paul, H-W. Sinn and J-E. Sturm), CESifo, pp. 144.
- Report on the European Economy, 2007 (European Economic Advisory Group, with L. Calmfors, G. Corsetti, M.P. Devereux, S. Honkapohja, J. Kay, G. Saint-Paul, H-W. Sinn and J-E. Sturm), CESifo, pp. 151.
- Report on the European Economy, 2006 (European Economic Advisory Group, with L. Calmfors, G. Corsetti, S. Honkapohja, J. Kay, G. Saint-Paul, H-W. Sinn and J-E. Sturm), CESifo, pp. 120.
- Non-Horizontal Mergers Guidelines: Ten Principles. A note by the EAGCP Merger Sub-Group (with M. Ivaldi, B. Lyons, M. Schnitzer, J. Van Reenen, F. Verboven and N. Vettas), DG Competition, European Union, 2006.
- Integration of European Banking: The Way Forward (with Pedro Barros, Erik Berglöf, Paolo Fulghieri, Jordi Gual and Colin Mayer), Monitoring European Deregulation 3, CEPR, 2005, pp. 103.
- Report on the European Economy, 2005 (European Economic Advisory Group, with L. Calmfors, G. Corsetti, S. Honkapohja, J. Kay, W. Leibfritz, G. Saint-Paul, and H-W. Sinn), CESifo, pp.116.
- Report on the European Economy, 2004 (European Economic Advisory Group, with L. Calmfors, G. Corsetti, S. Honkapohja, J. Kay, W. Leibfritz, G. Saint-Paul, and H-W. Sinn), CESifo, pp. 141.
- Report on the European Economy, 2003 (European Economic Advisory Group, with L. Calmfors, G. Corsetti, J. Fleming, S. Honkapohja, J. Kay, W. Leibfritz, G. Saint-Paul, and H-W. Sinn), CESifo, pp. 133.
- Report on the European Economy, 2002 (European Economic Advisory Group, with G. Corsetti, J. Fleming, S. Honkapohja, W. Leibfritz, G. Saint-Paul, and H-W. Sinn), CESifo, pp. 95.
- Monitoring European Integration: The Future of European Banking, (with J-P Danthine, F. Giavazzi and E-L von Thadden), CEPR, 1999, pp. 118.
- Single Market Review 96: Competition Issues, (main project adviser with teams from London Economics and IAE), European Commission, September 1996, pp. 327.
- Information Exchange Among Firms and their Impact on Competition (with K-U. Kühn), European Commission Document, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995, pp. 146.
- Monitoring European Integration: The Making of Monetary Union, (with D. Begg, P-A. Chiappori, F. Giavazzi, C. Mayer, D. Neven, L. Spaventa, and C. Wyplosz), CEPR, 1991, pp. 30.