China has become the largest economy on the planet and we’re witnessing a collective silent scream on behalf of the West in response to the loss of its worldwide dominion.
CEOs Running for President: Countries Are Not Companies
Donald Trump victories in the primary process make him the frontrunner for the republican nomination. He often brags about his business success, his net worth, and his negotiating and leadership skills. Clearly Trump’s strategy is trying to that his business experience makes him the most qualified to be president. Moreover, he uses his business way of thinking to analyze economic problems.
Who contributes to the growth of the US Economy?
The US Bureau of Economic Analysis provides interesting data on the contribution of 93 different industries (and groups of industries) to the GDP. In a previous post I analyzed the contribution of the oil industry to US GDP growth. Now I present the big picture: the contribution of every industry to the GDP and GDP […]
Fracking Unmasked: the Real Effect on U.S. GDP
In past articles I have commented on the economic growth of the United States and the languishing European economy. Bottom line, in the United States measures have been taken since 2008, while Europe has mostly sat there twiddling its thumbs. Nevertheless, some experts remain skeptical, asking: Is the United States really growing because of its improved […]
The ECB should focus on growth, not just inflation!
The European Central Bank (ECB) plan to lower the official interest rate from 0.15% to 0.05% will not work. What’s the difference between 0.05% and 0.15%? Nothing. There will be no increase in requests or approvals for loans resulting from this 0.1% cut. In July 2012, after lowering the interest rates from 1% to 0.75%, Mario […]