Golden Workers

Amid a general concern – and rightly so – about youth unemployment, there is another reality that is going almost unnoticed: the share of those over 55 that are not working. Some of them are unemployed, others are retired or out of the labor market. The first thing worth noticing when looking at this data […]


Spain Nears Trade Equilibrium

Well, equilibrium is a bit exaggerated. In May, Spain’s trade balance accumulated over 12 months – my favorite way of looking at this data for seasonality – registered a deficit of about 20.5 billion euros, which is equal to roughly 2 percent of the GDP. The data improved by slightly more than 2 billion euros in April, due to an increase […]


Towards a re-balanced China

Since the start of the opening-up and reform period in 1978, the rest of the world has been stupefied by China’s long period of very high growth. Now all we hear about is that growth is slowing down. Further, this time the chinese authorities are not offsetting the slowdown by large fiscal and monetary stimuli: […]