Discovering the Power of Business Case Methodology: The Art of Discussion

As the MiM cohort of 2024 approaches graduation next June, reflections on their journey reveal a profound correlation between the effort invested throughout the program and the satisfaction derived from it. “I dare say, I’m taking away much more than I anticipated,” remarks one student, encapsulating the sentiment echoed by many.

But what exactly is the Case Method?

“People often wonder if this method truly delivers, and after 360+ cases, we can attest—it does!” exclaims another student. Each case unfolds as a unique narrative, unfailingly stimulating lively and insightful classroom discussions.

The Case Method stands as a distinctive learning tool employed by Harvard and IESE, designed to immerse students in the complexities and nuances of the corporate real life.

So, how does it work?

Rather than passively absorbing lectures or textbook readings, students embark on individual analysis of real-world case studies. The journey begins with solitary reading and preparation, a phase that acquaints students with grappling alone with intricate problems. Initially daunting, this stage gradually fosters the habit of discerning crucial details.

The next step involves team discussion—a forum teeming with diverse and international perspectives and alternative solutions. Here, the team discuss within a trusted circle, where dissenting viewpoints are not only tolerated but welcomed. “Rarely do we find unanimous accord, yet the value lies in embracing differing viewpoints,” reflects a participant.

The crucial moment arrives in class, and here it is what makes the case method different from a theoretical session. In addition to being an active learning methodology based on practice, the role assumed by the professor is differential: he or she goes from being the only protagonist in the classroom, to being the facilitator who makes the learning emerge from the participants themselves and from the group as a whole.

All this makes the experience for the participant much deeper, more applicable and more lasting.

All in all, in order to conduct a session using the case method, it is necessary to be a great conductor and in IESE Business School – University of Navarra we have unparalleled examples.


Benefits of the case method

This method was first used at Harvard in the early 20th century and has since become hugely popular thanks to its effectiveness in developing knowledge, skills and attitudes among experienced students. These are the benefits:

1. Shape new perspectives through active listening with classmates and professors.

2 Improve critical judgment through discussion. Expand the capacity for diagnosis and reflection.

3. While making decisions within the case method, learn how to make decisions you can apply to your company.

4. Develop a cross-sectional view of general management to face any business decision.

5. Apply ethical management values and organizational purpose toward making decisions with people at the center.

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As the MiM cohort of 2024 prepares to step into the professional arena, they carry with them not just theoretical knowledge but a practical acumen honed through the crucible of the Case Method—a testament to the transformative power of experiential learning.

At IESE we offer an Online Business Masterclass every month for you to experience such an incredible and life-changer methodology. Do not hesitate to join our next Masterclass, DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS! please register here:

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