IESE Alumni Footprint Series, An Interview with Yuyan Lai MiM 20 (China)

Name: Yuyan Lai Year of Graduation: 2020 Nationality: China Country of Residence: Spain Current Employer: TwinCo Capital Please tell us about yourself and where you are working now.  I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business English in China. In terms of my previous work experience, I had interned at Audi China’s Business Innovation unit, which involved scouting…

IESE MiM 22s in the Metaverse

The best way to really understand the benefits of the Metaverse is to experience it, right? That’s exactly what we did with the MiM Class of 2022. As chance would have it, talking about NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), cryptocurrencies and the Metaverse was the main topic of the Fintech course closing session in June 2022….