Intra-Africa air travel can be complicated. There are few intra-Africa flights, and if combined with delays it may be more efficient to travel via Europe or the Middle East when heading from one African city to another. Would you like an interesting anecdote? Check out the earlier article “Intra-Africa business travel”. But the situation is […]
Global Connectedness Index updated rankings
The DHL Global Connectedness Index for 2016 is already out. My colleague at IESE Business School Pankaj Ghemawat and his research team are responsible for the index. The index measures how globalized countries are by analyzing the depth of the international interactions, the breadth of their geographic distribution and their directionality, outwards or inwards. We already discussed in this […]
Trading across borders
Last week, in the post Reforms that make doing business easier, we discussed the Ease of Doing Business rankings. These appear in the World Bank’s Doing Business Report. We focused on a few sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries, and what they did recently to improve their ranks. There are many important that the World Bank takes into […]
Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria
Last week, I wrote about the potential for growth in Nigeria. That kept me thinking about the many opportunities companies have to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the country if investing in the right industries – and doing so in the right way! Wondering about foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country, I came […]
“Africa Rising” – Under Question?
“Do you really think Africa is going to take off?” This is a question I often get both from Africans and from people in the West. My answer: “It’s not going to happen tomorrow but I’m convinced it will happen.” At any typical introductory talk about the continent chances are that the speaker will show […]