Running & Recruiting – Two intense weeks coming up

A couple of Sundays ago I ran the 10k race Cursa de Sant Antoni. As I told you in my previous post, my goal was to make it in 36min, and I did! After two weeks of officially training for the marathon, I’m getting the feeling that these long runs are working. I’ve got my pace under control, and although that’s always challenging, the truth is these 10km went by really quickly. I guess it’s the natural consequence of having 15km as my everyday workout. In the picture you can see me with my running buddies and friends. I would like to give a special mention to two of the big ones, Albert and Jorge, who are also training: Albert for the Boston Marathon and Jorge for the Madrid one. Keep strong mates!

This week I managed to keep up with my daily training program. As days go by I’m getting used to that so common feeling among those who are planning to run a marathon: my legs are permanently cramped. I do not complain, though. Don’t commit the crime if you don’t want to do the time!

Workwise, I have two very intense weeks coming up during which I will meet many good candidates. Last Friday I left for London, where I stayed for two days. I left at noon from Barcelona and got back home again on Saturday night. To keep up with my training I ran as usual on Friday morning. On Saturday I usually get the day off anyway, which is fantastic for me. It would have been impossible to run as my interviews started at 7am! On Sunday I went for a long run with Juan, a runner if there ever was one.

This trip to London came at a great time because I got to meet in person many of the candidates with whom I had talked to on the phone and exchanged emails. I also attended an event with other business schools where I gave ten half-hour interviews without pause, now that’s a marathon! I also got the chance of having dinner with a very good friend on Friday, which is always a treat.

Until next time, kms!

Luis Jover View more

MBA '14
IESE MBA Admissions, Associate Director


  1. Pingback: Running & Recruiting – Canada and Barcelona's Half Marathon | The MBA Blog | IESE Business School

  2. I would be lucky to finish my 10km within 50mins. 36mins is a great timing for 10km. Look forward to running with you in Barcelona soon!

  3. Hello Luis,

    I came across your first blog, “Running & Recruiting – Kick off” and got impressed by your very natural way of narrating your training and trips; rather trips and training, just as you like the sequence. 🙂
    I just read your second blog and am wondering, is it advisable to run daily? I run too, but as a cardio workout, i’m more into cycling. I ride a BTWIN MTB and do some freerides/downhill rides and long distance endurance rides as well.

    Can’t wait to see how your first marathon came along, hoping to your third post now.

    It’s always a bliss to read someone’s heartfelt feelings penned down, so please keep writing and sharing your experiences 🙂


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