4 Steps to Great Speaking

Conor Neill outlines 4 steps to becoming a great speaker. The steps are not simple, but they will take you there. Inspired by the great Jim...

The 3 Pillars of Persuasion

2,300 years ago, Aristotle brought together the science of persuasion into three things that a speaker must transmit to the audience in order to move them to action: Logos, Ethos and...

The first step in preparing a speech

The very first thing to do in preparing a speech. Define your "Point X". This gives clarity to what content serves the audience and what is irrelevant. Defining point X avoids the Data Dump - the worst of all...

Improve your Speaking through Practice

You don't become a great speaker by reading.  You don't become a great speaker by watching.  You become a great speaker by regularly speaking. The webcam is a cruel audience, but a powerful tool if you choose to use...