The 4 elements of resilient mental strength that are present in all cases of high performance.
The 4 Mental Models of High Performance
There are 4 aspects of the mental approach of these high performance athletes that I have observed:
- Acceptance – the past is gone, it serves no purpose dwelling on problems, only on dedicating resources to solve the problem and move on.
- Presence in the moment – Miquel, Josef and Kilian prepare, plan and think about strategy… but once they start in a race they only focus on the moment, or next 5 minutes – they never let their mind think beyond the next moment, the next breath, the next stride, the next drink of liquids.
- Humility – each has achieved great things, but do not allow any arrogance to enter, they have no feeling of superiority, of being special.
- Responsibility – nobody else is going to solve their problems. They know how to ask for help, to use the resources around them, but they never expect that anyone else will take the decisions for them.