IESE Cities in Motion Index 2020

For the seventh consecutive year, we are pleased to present the new edition of our Cities in Motion Index (CIMI). Publishing such a report during the COVID-19 health crisis has invited us to reflex on how the pandemic affects cities today and how it will shape them in the future. As cities worldwide went on […]


Overtourism vs. Sustainable Tourism – How to place a city on the map

Source: Renata Cleaver Malzoni People are the heart of cities. They occupy the streets and roads by foot, bicycle, bus, and car, moving around to go to work, to shop, to play, to meet friends and family, or to just wander around and enjoy the  scenery. People build, with their innovation and creativity, cities from […]


IESE Cities in Motion Index 2019

For the sixth consecutive year, we are pleased to present the new edition of our IESE Cities in Motion Index (CIMI). Over the past years, we have observed how various cities, companies and other social actors have used our study as a benchmark when it comes to understanding the reality of cities through comparative analysis. […]