4 thoughts on “Relocation stats: expatriate destinations

    1. The Brookfield survey results are based on responses from senior HR professionals and/or managers of international relocation programs rather than from expatriates themselves. So the data reflect expert views on these topics in terms of managing international assignments, rather than personal perceptions. Of the 120 organizations that were surveyed throughout the world, 55% of the responding companies were headquartered in the Americas; 43% were headquartered in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; and 2% were headquartered in the Asia-Pacific region.

      As for the general length of stay, long-term assignments involve transfers of more than one year in duration, while short-term assignments are less than one year.

  1. It is not surprising that the report indicates the lowest increase in the history of the report in the number of expatriates in 2009, considering the economic circumstances globally and the need for many companies to drastically reduce costs. I think this is purely cost related (expensive expat contracts) and not “needs” related as the fact that this number is likely to increase in 2010 is indicative of this.

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