In his groundbreaking book “Awe” which I have just finished reading, renowned psychologist Dacher Keltner explores the transformative emotion that makes us feel part of something larger than ourselves. While awe is an emotion that is beneficial in all life domains, I have found that his insights have particular resonance for those of us navigating […]
Work design and less-hierarchical organizing in global companies
By 2022, German athletic apparel and footwear manufacturer Adidas seemed to have lost its way. External criticism pressured the company to break its lucrative Yeezy collaboration with divisive celebrity Kanye West after the rapper’s increasingly inflammatory public comments. The company was burning money, losing almost $800 million in the fourth quarter of 2022. And it […]
How to manage your energy in a global role
Having just returned from our annual family skiing trip I have been reminded of how important it is to conserve and restore your energy resources. A few consecutive, full days of skiing can easily sap your physical energy. But we all know that our mental energy is a finite resource as well. And sometimes it […]
Will Extreme Heat Reshape the World of Work?
Summer is meant to be hot. Indeed, more often than not vacationers might complain about the lack of sufficiently warm ‘beach’ weather or the rainy days that interfere with their planned activities. Yet, with increased regularity we are also experiencing dangerous heatwaves and their impactful consequences. Just a couple of weeks ago southern Europe was […]
Gender Gap: A Debate That Simply Doesn’t Age
Tolerance, diversity and equality are persistent topics in global business, which I occasionally write about. Specifically, I have repeatedly touched upon the topic of gender inequality, writing about the underrepresentation of women in management, the gender gap within the expat community, and lack of equality for women in the workplace overall. Recently I came across […]