When We Need More Cooperation, We Should Look for More Hope

Any working relationship, be it romantic, friendship- or business-related, implies mutual trust, doesn’t it? Indeed, any successful cooperation requires trust as well. Usually, the more we know people, the more we trust them, which is probably why cooperating with familiar people is easier than with strangers. Consider the prisoner’s dilemma, one of the most famous […]


Latest Research: ‘Navigating between Home, Host, and Global Identities’

Business activities today regularly reach across cultural boundaries, and collaborative work with people of different cultural backgrounds becomes an everyday normality. Alongside the increasing exposure to culturally pluralistic settings, the question of cultural identities and the process of acculturation also receives more and more attention. In fact, we increasingly see cases of people holding multiple […]


What Can Corporations Learn from Digital Nomads?

In your opinion, what would be the trending job-related ‘wannabe’ and fantasy many people, especially millennials, have these days? I would definitely vote for keywords such as flexibility, meaningfulness, entrepreneurship, global travel and digital… basically everything that is so well captured and ‘romanticized’ by digital global work, or a digital nomad lifestyle. Even without looking […]


The Culturally Humble Expat

International assignments are costly, which is why both researchers and practitioners are in constant search for the right formula of successful expatriation. Given that international assignments are meant to be ‘bridging the gaps’, be it in terms of knowledge sharing or the transfer of other resources, good relationships and cooperation between expats and locals seem […]


Startup Mindset

In today’s volatile global market, it is quite challenging to sit back and enjoy stability, as rapid changes are increasingly part and parcel of doing business and being flexible and agile is essential to keep up with the flow. For companies these ever-changing business conditions mean both risks and opportunities, in terms of moving operations […]


Expatriation and Retirement

This is a Guest Blog entry. Author: Yvonne Quahe, Reimagine Life.  Yvonne is a HR consultant and coach who helps individuals, couples and organizations with globally mobile populations to increase their engagement with life, manage their careers and attract and retain talent. Has it ever occurred to you that retirement is as inevitable as death and […]