Expatriate assignments often come with significant professional challenges—new roles, unfamiliar environments, and the constant need to adapt. But what if the secret to navigating these hurdles effectively lies not just in your personal strategies but in your family dynamics, specifically your relationship with your partner? Recent research that I conducted together with my colleagues Mihaela […]
How to manage your energy in a global role
Having just returned from our annual family skiing trip I have been reminded of how important it is to conserve and restore your energy resources. A few consecutive, full days of skiing can easily sap your physical energy. But we all know that our mental energy is a finite resource as well. And sometimes it […]
Work-Life Balance AND (OR) Flexible Work?
Donald Trump notoriously sends out his tweets early in the mornings and reports on sleeping for only 3-4 hours at night. Naturally, Trump is not the only one, as plenty of success stories about ‘short sleepers’ can be found. What is the message of these stories? Or, to put it differently, are these stories telling […]
Expat Work and Life Domains: Conflicting, Balancing, or Enriching?
Work is one of the central tenets in human life. We ask our kids what do they want to do when they grow up; we start conversations by inquiring about each other’s jobs; we study extensively in order to secure future employment; we belong, as adults, to a well-defined working age population; we differentiate between […]
The Rise of ‘Bleisure’ Travel
Are people working more today than they did in the past? Without providing any statistics here, my gut feeling would say ‘Yes’. I believe that a couple of decades ago people had more work-life balance than today: most worked a fixed 9-to-5 schedule, and there was less overtime. Indeed, ‘taking work home’ back then would […]
Business Travelers: Benefiting the Business while Risking Family Life?
International travel is a natural part of today’s borderless and interlinked business environment. As noted in my previous post on this topic, global business travel is accessible and, even more importantly, brings benefits to multinational companies. Yet, as usual, possible benefits come with possible risks. Foremost, business travel is accompanied by travel stress. For example, […]
The Deep Waters of Global Business Travel
Today global travel in general and global business travel in particular is not really a problem. It still comes at a cost, yet it is a great asset for multinational companies, because they can get the people they need to the locations they want for the duration that is required. There are multiple travel modes, […]
Long Road to Work: The Case of Supercommuting
The majority of us share the same daily routine of getting to and from work. In busy London and New York many take the subway, in sunny Barcelona and environmentally friendly Copenhagen it is possible to get around with a bike, while in smaller and less expensive cities many might use private cars. And even […]
Spotlight Millennial Employees: Key Considerations for Organizations
In spite of the rapid technological development employees are still considered the main resource for organizations, and hence employee motivation and retention continue to be of great importance at a global scale. However, employees’ work related attitudes and preferences do change over time, which implies that organizations need to tailor their people management strategies to […]
A Modern Way of Commuting: Telecommuting
Given the ever increasing demands for business expansion, international partnerships and cooperation, today commuting ‘from here to there and in between’ is a normal part of employees’ work-life. While commuting can be very time inefficient and costly, the rapid development of mobile technology provides a solution. The term ‘telecommuting’ refers to employees using modern technologies to work outside their office, let it be their home or any other location, either regularly or from time to time.
Expatriates have less work-life balance abroad than at home. Some evidence.
The statement that expatriates have less work-life balance abroad than at home is a Fact. Expatriate survey findings indicate that expatriates spend longer hours at work than they do in their home countries, working on average 13.4 hours per week more.