The global migrant crisis continues to unfold, and today we can certainly speak about a historic crisis, and the worst refugee crisis since World War II. As the number of political and economic refugees increases, so does the tension between countries and the opposition between those who welcome them and those who don’t. The migrant debate is very heated and very emotional, with feelings of fear and lack of security mixing with a sense of moral responsibility and empathy towards human misery. On one hand, the unemployment rates are already high, the integration of culturally different refugees is very expensive, and the whole migration process is out of control… On the other hand, just a short reference to the horrific incidents of a drowned Syrian boy, or dozens of dead refugees in a truck in Austria, and the humanly innate empathy kicks in.
Although emotions are very relevant in this situation, at times they block more objective reasoning and action. Currently, the main line of argument in the media and wider public goes something like this: ‘there are too many refugees, they are a burden, BUT we have our moral responsibility to take them in’. Yet, although rarely pronounced and often overlooked, there is also a more opportunistic mood in the air.
As highlighted in a recent Guardian article, ‘one of the ironies about Europe’s state of panic about migration across the Mediterranean is that for a number of years policymakers have been warning that Europe’s population is ageing and, in many countries, shrinking’. The same notion of the upcoming labor shortages was brought up also in one of my earlier blog posts. According to various forecasts, due to an aging population, continuously decreasing birth rates, and the retirement of the baby boomers, the mature economies are expected to experience significant labor shortages already by the year 2025. For example, it is projected that Germany will have a 23% labor gap by 2030. By that time, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Brazil will also experience a lack of working population. So, while the majority of our largest economies will face labor shortages, aren’t these economies exactly the places where refugees are headed to? And this is where some see the opportunities; here is where global business interests may converge with humanitarian interests.
The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) argues that we should rather speak about refugee migration than about refugee resettlement. According to MPI’s report many refugees are educated and have technical or professional skills, which are currently wasted in endless waiting lines in refugee camps. Instead, this population could be allocated more effectively to fill labor market gaps, and businesses have an opportunity to engage proactively with this process.
The German Federal Employment Agency makes a similar point, urging German employers to tap into the potential of refugees. Indeed, many refugees are eager to work, and offer their professional qualifications, language skills, and their diversity. As for the latter, there is a host of benefits of diversity for business performance and employee satisfaction.
Naturally, turning refugees into employees is challenging, and different countries have different needs in terms of labor gaps. But this simply means that we need to gather knowledge about the skills of the global refugee population, and try to match these skills with global demand. We need to converge global business needs with our moral responsibilities, and make it work on a global scale. And we definitely need formal policies and order, as to reduce the emotional response induced by the chaotic and uncontrolled inflow of refugees. Yet, this can be done only through global cooperation and involvement of both the humanitarian and business sectors. Most important of all though is the initial change of perception from refugee to migrant, and from burden to opportunity.
Useful read about moral responsibility..
i think one thing that needs to be done is a skills assessment of all refugees so that we dont end up having engineers and doctors working manual jobs when there is a shortage of these same professionals
I am totally shocked after reading this post. I think all of we are responsible for this crisis. We have to do something for this urgently.
Really an interesting article, Thanks Sebastian!.
Hi Sebastian, I was really shocked after reading this post. Hopefully the immigrants can be placed in the appropriate place.
US gobernment starts to deport illegal immigrants. But, have you ever wonder why a lot of mexicans are getting into USA? They are not risking their own life just to go into United States to robbering or to rape women as Donald Trump said, because if this was their inention it could be easier to keep into Mexico to do these illegal activities. There is no need to be in danger to die while getting into USA through dangerous dessert
Actually, Russia told some times before: if noone wanna stop war, soon we will get a lot of migrants… But nobody in Europe and USA didn’t lesson it….
BTW, some part of migrant went to India, Saudian, and Russia. Not only to Europe!
Well, I don’t think a single solution to the refugee crisis exists. Countries need to come together and brainstorm on how to find immediate and long-term solutions especially pertaining to how it affects individual countries.
I don’t know how will this be solved.
On the other hand, just a short reference to the horrific incidents of a drowned Syrian boy, or dozens of dead refugees in a truck in Austria, and the humanly innate empathy kicks in. :((
Really an interesting article. I am totally shocked after reading this post. Countries need to come together and brainstorm on how to find immediate and long-term solutions.
I don’t know how will this be solved.
Interesting point of View. I like the way you have drawn this major problem in a very effective way.
Very nice article, inspiring and thoughtful. Thanks for it.
nice post
This is a very big problem and solving it is not an easy task
Thanks Sebastian!
Very nice article, Thanks Sebastian!
Very nice article, Thanks Sebastian!
Exselente job. Thank you.
While i agree with most of the things written in the article, i can’t help but feel like a large amount of the west is to some extent to blame for the mass migrations – and therefore it is not just a moral responsibility, but a duty of ours as fellow citizens of the earth to provide a safe place for them to live and work.
In the US, UK and western Europe, migrants are some of the most hardworking achievers. Steve Jobs was himself the son of migrants, as was Gary Vaynerchuk, Bernie Sanders etc.
The Western world, in my opinion, should accommodate people from all parts of the world it has previously plundered or continues to. On my blog – we are trying to teach Indian’s how they can make a solid global salary from the comfort of their own home.
The internet is an opportunity hugely overlooked for those seeking entrepreneurial opportunity as opposed to a safe place from war.
Hola holita me gustó el post, No soy muy de comentar pero hoy me lo salto jeje! Un abrazo y gracias por el blog
I am totally shocked after reading this post. I think all of we are responsible for this crisis. We have to do something for this urgently.
I am totally shocked after reading this post. I think all of we are responsible for this crisis….
Really an interesting article. I am totally shocked after reading this post. Countries need to come together and brainstorm on how to find immediate and long-term solutions….
A awesome article about moral responsibility. After reading this article I am totally shocked. I think we are responsible for this crisis. We have to do something for this urgently. Thanks for sharing this article.
why The migrant debate is very heated?
This article is very interesting for me with the topic of “global migrant crisis” Thank you for the information Sebastian Reiche …
Hi Sebastian…
That is very interesting post, This is a very big problem and solving it is not an easy task…
Really an interesting article. I believe that an organization would have to be created and gather ideas to help these people.
Well that complicated. Needed to be split tasks between organizations to address and help.
I think people need to be supported. Many refugees are prepared to work with good skills. I see nothing wrong and release migration.
Because this issue is seen with discrimination? People are afraid of losing jobs?
It is very awesome article. Migrant crisis is a very serious matter. I think you did a very great job.!!
The article helpful, insightful for us who do not know. Hopefully there is a good article further.
turning refugees into employees is a real challenging job
Hi Sebastian, I was really shocked after reading this post. Hopefully the immigrants can be placed in the appropriate place.
Interesting post about moral responsibility. I think every one has a mind (if they use) to separate between what’s good and not good.
It is very awesome article. Migrant crisis is a very serious matter.
Thanks for sharing for this great information
Great article dude Thanks Sebastian for giving your time by writing this.
war is awfull , i hate when ppl fighting and they guverments fight each other , good article
I love this blog. Very very good
Thanks for nice info. Interesting post about moral responsibility.
Refugees are people like us, but they don’t have a house nor a way to work and make a life by themselves. They are not a trouble if any government see them as potential workers and useful citizens to be.
It is not fair that happens, should help these people not to suffer this type of abuse , I do not agree on how things happen
Most of them are young people unemployed who are not in the country of origin and do not want to change the situation . For these people the type of immigration plus the opportunity to have more without hard work
Interesting read, it shouldn’t be just morally. Leaders of different countries should come forward and try to mitigate the crisis, just like Canadian PM..
Excellent article! It helps to understand the problem, thank you for helping to understand all the difficulties!
I think the most important thing about refugees is not to reject them. A lot of people feel that their territory is being invaded by other people who will diminish the available space and resources, but this is not different from what the population grow will cause in their country with or without refugees coming into. Is a question of humanity and tolerance to receive those people in our countries without hesitations, and then, helping them to get another life at a country that is as foreign for them as they are for the inhabitants of the country.
irrespective of the country of origin of refugees , we ought to help each other to solve this problem , because most of them are people who have a strong determination and wants to realize his dream of getting a safe and prosperous life
It is important to regulate migrant process. If it is not regulated properly it will turn into disaster. Then it will be bad for everyone.
Good article. It is truly a really great article. I noticed all your essential points. Thanks!
Hello, the migrants are a serious problem that caused by conflict conditions in Middle East. Under today’s developments, they should be protected well by the governments.
I agree with you. I hope your writing can inspire many people.
This inequality is created by the world powers.They must provide various grants to the poor countries.each rich country must adopt one African country and invest hugely in that country.So no migration crisis will happen in future.
Superb post it is. thanks for sharing man.
I was very excited to read this article. but no decision has been less precise .i think one thing that needs to be done is an assessment of the skills of all refugees so that we do not end up having engineers and physicians who work manual jobs when there is shortage of professionals alike..
Tanks for sharing, I agree the refugee problem is a big issue that all parties should work together to resolve the issue.
I totally agree with the definition of “The migrant debate is very heated and very emotional” proposed by the author! All in all a very interesting article
I agree that if seen in light of potentially productive force, refugees can be better accepted by host nations.
I think it would be a HUUUUGE challenge to turn refugees to employees…very challening
Really an interesting article, Thanks Sebastian!.
And we definitely need formal policies and order, as to reduce the emotional response induced by the chaotic and uncontrolled inflow of refugees.
so worrying. they went out of their countries experiencing conflict and the possibility of getting to their destination is 50:50
Not only a social responsibility but its a call for humanity too to take care of refugees who were compelled to migrate and are left with nothing
A lot of people feel that their territory is being invaded by other people who will diminish the available space and resources, but this is not different from what the population grow will cause in their country with or without refugees coming into.Not only a social responsibility but its a call for humanity too to take care of refugees who were compelled to migrate and are left with nothing.
it shouldn’t be just morally. Leaders of different countries should come forward and try to mitigate the crisis,
That is very interesting post, This is a very big problem and solving it is not an easy task…
Really an interesting article.Interesting post about moral responsibility. I think the most important thing about refugees is not to reject them. A lot of people feel that their territory is being invaded by other people who will diminish the available space and resources, but this is not different from what the population grow will cause in their country with or without refugees coming into.
Although this is looking at the migrant issue from a slightly different perspective the same principles to what often drives it apply
Whatever politician can sort this out deserves a Nobel peace prize! This has been going on for centuries and has caused at its worst, wars. It’s about time we came up with a suitable solution for all concerned.
It is indeed in the interests of a country of illegal immigrants is very troublesome because it will give the effect on the provision of budget, place, power and various kinds of social problems will arise. but in terms of humanitarian immigrants need to be handled voluntarily. in this case the role of the UN is crucial in providing the encouragement and radar in order to be obedient and submissive Member States against commitments together in UN
thanks for great post. I agree whit you but I think unemployment is a problem that must be solved separately in each country.
Excellent article! It helps to understand the problem, thank you for helping to understand all the difficulties!
i like your post.
I don’t know how will this be solved.
this migration cause a war in Africa and middle east !!
Lamentablemente la sociedad mira para otro lado. Gran Artículo.
Great Post. Thank for the information.
Great article sir, I like your article and the way you explained. Bookmarked!
There are several questions to answer.
Is there really going to be a labor shortage with the current rate of technological innovation? It appears that technology is eliminating low skill jobs which would be good placements for migrants. So the cost of harboring and training a migrant a very advanced skill is extremely high. We have to consider pragmatism along with our morals.
Thanks Sebastian, inspiring and thoughtful. Thanks for it.
Some immigrants did not get what they are supposed to get. But the Government whose country entered by immigrants should receive them well
It is important to regulate migrant process. If it is not regulated properly it will turn into disaster. Then it will be bad for everyone.
Unfortunately this will be not be the last time this will happen. Its the way we deal and manage the issue that is critical. After all they are all human beings with families.
Thanks Sebastian, inspiring and thoughtful Thanks Sebastian!.
Gracias por el post Sebastian,
Este es un problema que nos afecta a todos.
Really very Interesting article, The migrant crisis is due to the ongoing wars in Middle East. Our governments must stop these senseless wars.
Yes, Nice blogpost, The migrant crisis is bigest problem of current world due to war in iran and syria. ISIS terrorist group forces people to migrate to other countries
Hoping for the end of the war, we wake up to the new day
Gracias por el post Sebastian,
Este es un problema que nos afecta a todos.
The crisis that migrants entering into United States are suffering is going to get harder for them from the moment Donald Trump gets into White House. This is going to add a suffering situation more to the migrating crisis arount the world. Then, the situation is going to get harder from the moment the US gobernment starts to deport illegal immigrants. But, have you ever wonder why a lot of mexicans are getting into USA? They are not risking their own life just to go into United States to robbering or to rape women as Donald Trump said, because if this was their inention it could be easier to keep into Mexico to do these illegal activities. There is no need to be in danger to die while getting into USA through dangerous dessert conditions where a lot of these people die from starving and thirst, or to get killed by US citizens who like to shot migrants to die if the reason is doing some illegal activity. The real reason is this: Do you know what is the minimum salary in Mexico? It is 73.04 pesos for an entire day of work. This is 3.65 dollars. Now, do you know how much does a mexican earn for some easy and humble job as washing the dishes in a restaurant in USA? He can earn three dollars an hour! This is a total of 24 dollars for a day of work. This is more than six times the money he would earn by working in Mexico. You can figure out by yourself why mexicans get illegally into USA just with the intention of working there and send the money they earn to their family back to Mexico. What do you think?
really nice and good article.
it was great . thank for your article
really nice and good article.
thank you
An outstanding share! I have just forwarded this onto
a colleague who has been conducting a little homework on this.
And he actually ordered me dinner because I stumbled upon it for him…
lol. So let me reword this…. Thank YOU for
the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending time to talk about this topic here
on your internet site.
Wow very Nice article, Really useful information… I will bookmark this one.
The refugees are peoples like us, is not their fault that the war destroyed their life and familys. Is our moral responsibility to help them and to integrate in our countrys. Many of them are doctors, engineers or working people and in context of the labor shortages these migrants could also help ours economy.
You have approached the Migrant crisis in a very eloquent manner. It is indeed troubling but with great analysis like this, we can overcome it.
No one country is obligued or has the obligation to receive migrants, but each human should help others when they are in danger or poverty, and these two conditions are emerging from countries which are in war or in dramatic economic conditions. Is a question of humanity to help those one who came toour contry looking for a chance to make aliving by their work and effort. They left their countries mostly because of lack of opportunities.
Nice Article on this major world crisis. Thank you for your light on this issue.
I live in Mexico, and not everyone here know that once there was a social current against chinese migrants to avoid them to work and settle down. This is a useful example that even countries that claim to have an open mind attitude to migrants and claim others to have the same attitude, can be in some period of time, migrant opponent. I just wonder: why not open our countries to be multi-cultural and to receive others to work freely and to coexist in peace?
Pretty interesting and informative content
i think one thing that needs to be done is a skills assessment of all refugees so that we dont end up having engineers and doctors working manual jobs when there is a shortage of these same professionals
And we definitely need formal policies and order, as to reduce the emotional response induced by the chaotic and uncontrolled inflow of refugees.
Really Useful information.. Thank you so much..
and these two conditions are emerging from countries which are in war or in dramatic economic conditions. Is a question of humanity to help those one who came toour contry looking for a chance to make aliving by their work and effort. They left their countries mostly because of lack of opportunities.
I think each country has their own set of quality of life issues so when you discuss migrants it’s just adding to a mounting stress. It seems that cost of living is rising anywhere so people are fearing a mass migration but with proper planning I think each country can orderly accept some and then the world is in a better place.
I am totally shocked after reading this post. I think we’re all responsible for this crisis. We have to do something urgently for this.
Thank you for the information. I am so much more to learn
migrants and claim others to have the same attitude, can be in some period of time, migrant opponent. I just wonder: why not open our countries to be multi-cultural and to receive others to work freely and to coexist in peace?
Nice Article on this major world crisis. Thank you for information
nice this subject
Thank you very much for this blog post. Nice
Nobody nation is obligued or has the commitment to get transients, yet every human ought to help other people when they are in threat or destitution, and these two conditions are rising up out of nations which are in war or in sensational monetary conditions.
The Migrant Crisis, this topic is saddening, anger and frustrating all at the same time we can do nothing about it.. All we can do is watch.
I know that many people think this way but this has an opinion and my certainty has changed now
I think each country has their own set of quality of life issues so when you discuss migrants it’s just adding to a mounting stress. It seems that cost of living is rising anywhere so people are fearing a mass migration but with proper planning I think each country can orderly accept some and then the world is in a better place.
and please visit my website
I loved your post and the way your write. Thank you so much for expressing your idea. We have to do something for this crisis.
A lot of people feel that their territory is being invaded by other people who will diminish the available space and resources
Thanks for your sharing
Good thing, Thank you for sharing.
The refugee crisis is only going to get worse to be honest. Great article regardless.
migrants and claim others to have the same attitude, can be in some period of time, migrant opponent. I just wonder: why not open our countries to be multi-cultural and to receive others to work freely and to coexist in peace?
Thanks for such useful information, You can’t stop these migrants, till the war in middle east and in some African countries not end. Right now the best policy follow by Australian Government, they are suffer a lot less from other Europeans. I think Europe should learn from them.
As in the recent times’ migrant crisis is the major issue in Arab world and in some European nation. This blog explains it beautifully.
There are some people Who Are Suffer FromONE Economic Hardship They Are REFUGEES.
Great post thank you for your information.
nite article for you sebastian and I really admire your blog
great post very informative
Great post, thanks for that. The world should check up migrant rulles again I think.
This is a good article. The issue of migration is a subject that causes much debate and that has to be resolved without affecting the population.
Thank you very much, I liked the information
I think the formation of a moral is not completely finished. There needs to be awareness of the self about to get a good behave morally good. Care for the environment is one of the manifestations of moral good. For example, do not aggravate environmental damage to the garbage
What is the life of an undocumented in Spain like today? I have seen in the news and I have read that Spain is in an economic crisis, that there is unemployment or “unemployment” and that many of the Latins who were in Spain were returned by this situation and that even many Spaniards emigrate to other European countries .
If someone knows agradesco in advance live in united kingdom
this post is very interesting, thanks for share
This year has seen a huge increase in the numbers of displaced people globally. Thanks for sharing this news.
The root causes of the current migration crisis are complex and global.
Thanks for sharing!
See just this boat make us in shock, this is not gonna stop soon. The world should help Libya and other countries to establish peace.
This can be a very large drawback and fixing it isn’t a straightforward process
it would be nice if we help each other. big problem will be lighter if we face it together
Most of them are young people unemployed who are not in the country of origin and do not want to change the situation .
I think it will be a success if the adequate support can be provided. It is a wonderful expression.
No one nation is obligued or has the dedication to get transients, but each human ought to assist different individuals when they’re in menace or destitution, and these two circumstances are rising up out of countries that are in warfare or in sensational financial circumstances.
No one nation is obligued or has the dedication to get transients, but each human ought to assist different individuals when they’re in menace or destitution
In the vast world they will continue to follow the leaders of those people who are wasted so let’s see how far they will be ignoring this problem
Why every middle-east people abandon their own countries, mostly in the majority. I can not pass through without thinking what ‘s going on. Why people leave their own country. Why does nobody run from europe?
Most of them are young people unemployed who are not in the country of origin and do not want to change the situation.
Aid is important – we can also become migrants.
We have this problem here in Spain as well, unfortunately this problem will exist for a long time because of the inequality of the regions. We are developed countries but undeveloped mentally.
On the other hand, just a short reference to the horrific incidents of a drowned Syrian boy, or dozens of dead refugees in a truck in Austria, and the humanly innate empathy kicks in
I agree with you that the number of political and economic refugees are increasing, so does the tension between countries and the opposition between those who welcome them and those who don’t.
its useful
Every day, thousands of people embark on dangerous journeys to find a better life. Some are refugees fleeing conflict zones such as Syria, many others are in search of education for their children, jobs, better opportunities and freedom. All have aspirations and hopes for a better future.
This is great. Are you going to create a mailing list so people can receive the posts in a digest?
After I read this article, I got to have knowledge and add my insight, I happened to look for an article like this, it is very helpful for me and the crowd, the writing is good to read and easy to understand.
‘one of the ironies about Europe’s state of panic about migration across the Mediterranean is that for a number of years policymakers have been warning that Europe’s population is ageing and, in many countries, shrinking’.. thats real, i was check this
I read carefully your article.I think this is a great post and informative for me.thank you so much for sharing those.
The root causes of the current migration crisis are complex and global. Thank you for your light on this issue.
Its amazing how easy it is to forget whats works on us as customer when we’re the ones trying to describe our new line of products
Thanks for the post
Such a nice blog and loaded with very informative information in it. Thanx for posting.
Thanks for post.
Thank you for writing articles that are useful to me. During this time I was looking for a quality article as you write today. Hopefully, this article is also useful for other people who need articles like this.
Who is doing so that the world’s immigration has not come to an end for years. There is so much hassle as to how you got there.
Terimakasih Informasinya berkaitan dengan artikel yang ditulis di web ini. Ditunggu Kunjungan baliknya.
Hundreds of people die every day about the refugees and the world continues to be a spectator. Be God helpers.
That’s really an interesting article, thanks! I think that migration is a normal process in case of humans, through history people always changed their places for living because of some reasons. Usually the main thing which causes migration is the bad environment for living in your home country and I think that this process is eternal because it’s really impossible to imagine ALL countries in their prosperity, there will be always poor and rich ones. However even if African countries for example will reach high economic level, some people will move to USA or Europe anyway, just because people always want to be somewhere where it’s better. It’s our feature, always trying to achive the best among all others…
Hi there!
Great post! thx a lot!
Beautiful post!
The issue for the United States is, what did we do to create all of this? The answer is practically everything we could. Those of us who took to the streets in 03 to protest the worst single act of aggression by the U.S. in modern history will just say told you so. It was clear, we had an imbecile at the helm and whatever Bush and company would do would only further destabilize more than one country. In this case, it’s spread up to Syria, so of course we are responsible for taking these people in. Just one more nail in the entire nightmare period that began in 1980 with Reagan. The United States is meeting it’s fate for the utter stupidity of the GOP’s modern day fantasy defense policies. It could have only happened by their hand.
so of course we are responsible for taking these people in. Just one more nail in the entire nightmare period that began in 1980 with Reagan. The United States is meeting it’s fate for the utter stupidity of the GOP’s modern day fantasy defense policies. It could have only happened by their hand
Those of us who took to the streets in 03 to protest the worst single act of aggression by the U.S. in modern history will just say told you so
This is a good article. The issue of migration is a subject that causes much debate and that has to be resolved without affecting the population. I am totally shocked after reading this post. Countries need to come together and brainstorm on how to find immediate and long-term solutions
Today countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and few more are offering immigration facilities to people worldwide. Then not offer the same to people who are well educated and skilled but waiting at the refugee camps. It would be like giving a home to homeless people. I think countries should think about it.
Moral responsibility. Migrations are the problem of our day. I feel sorry for most children
The world is facing the refugee crisis since world war II. Be it Vietnam war, Korean War, Soviet-Afghan war or the recent Syrian Civil War. We must help each other and that will be the best service to humanity. European countries like Iceland and Greece are doing an awesome of holding more and more refugees from the middle east.
Most of the migrants are Children & Women. It’s just pain everywhere. But countries like Canada, Australia,..are offering best immigration policies. All nations should come forward & put an end to this migration crisis.
Good article, congratulations!
Who is doing so that the world’s immigration has not come to an end for years. There is so much hassle as to how you got there. thanks
I am completely stunned subsequent to perusing this post. I consider all we are in charge of this emergency
Porfect teacher
this is so bad and terrifying, u know.. events like this probably will never end and will continue to recur until in the next life.. maybe..
Seçkin Eğitim Teknikleri
War and conflict doesn’t solve anything, this is very sad.
wow, i like this article, thanks for sharing very information.
I think it’s supposed to be an immigrant crisis that happens in some of our mutual responsibilities, but tragically many countries do not allow immigrants to live safely in their country, so it’s really a very good conscience
Such a great teacher and responsibility. Thanks!
Thanks Mr. Sebastian, inspiring and thoughtful..
Nice info Sebastian..
Thanks for the articless..
Thanks you for sharing your article sir
Really an interesting articles Sir. Thanks Sebastian!.
Good Article, Thanks Reiche
I think it’s supposed to be an immigrant crisis that happens in some of our mutual responsibilities, but tragically many countries do not allow immigrants to live safely in their country, so it’s really a very good conscience
The issue for the United States is, what did we do to create all of this? The answer is practically everything we could. Those of us who took to the streets in 03 to protest the worst single act of aggression by the U.S. in modern history will just say told you so. It was clear, we had an imbecile at the helm and whatever Bush and company would do would only further destabilize more than one country. In this case, it’s spread up to Syria, so of course we are responsible for taking these people in. Just one more nail in the entire nightmare period that began in 1980 with Reagan. The United States is meeting it’s fate for the utter stupidity of the GOP’s modern day fantasy defense policies. It could have only happened by their hand.
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It was clear, we had an imbecile at the helm and whatever Bush and company would do would only further destabilize more than one country. In this case, it’s spread up to Syria, so of course, we are responsible for taking these people in. Just one more nail in the entire nightmare period that began in 1980 with Reagan. The United States is meeting its fate for the utter stupidity of the GOP’s modern-day fantasy defence policies.
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thanks for sharing.
tanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing, Nice post“
I think this imigrans crisis is more important many people must have protected,
Best Regards
thank you very much..
Excellent blog. I will follow it more often. Normally you only find blogs that copy and paste information.
Alessandro P.
Very nice article, inspiring and thoughtful. Thanks for it.
Very nice article, inspiring and thoughtful. Thanks for it.
Very good article. Thank for sharing it
Thank for sharing it
inspiring indeed!!
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Excellent blog. I will follow it more often. Normally you only find blogs that copy and paste information.
Thanks for the post
By using your permission, I use your content in my articles
Thanks Sebastian!
Hy How Are you ? It was clear, we had an imbecile at the helm and whatever Bush and company would do would only further destabilize more than one country. In this case, it’s spread up to Syria, so of course, we are responsible for taking these people in. Just one more nail in the entire nightmare period that began in 1980 with Reagan. The United States is meeting its fate for the utter stupidity of the GOP’s modern-day fantasy defence policies.