Latest Global Mobility Trends

Over recent years I have talked about several megatrends and globally impactful changes in this blog: Brexit and Trump are shaking the geopolitical landscape and spreading protectionist tendencies; automation changes the world of work; the migration crisis and climate change stand as ongoing global issues; Europe foresees challenges of an aging population, while Chinese citizens […]

Human Diversity: Benefits for CEOs and Their Companies?

Embracing human diversityis not the strongest side of human nature. Plenty of social psychology concepts and research indicate how we tend to prefer people who are like us, form relationships with people who are alike rather than different, and categorize people similar to us into an ‘in-group’ and dissimilar people into an ‘out-group’. Evolutionary psychologists […]


Cyber Security: A ‘Must Have’ for Global Businesses

In today’s volatile conditions business leaders need to account for many risks. For example, data from a recent survey by the World Economic Forum (WEF) shows that global leaders identify several economic, geopolitical, social and technological risks, with the first five priorities being: Unemployment or Underemployment (1st), Fiscal Crises (2nd), Failure of National Governance (3rd), […]